Do you have a dedicated listening room?

Is your system in a room by itself or do you have to make compromises with other things in the room?

How have you compromised with things you have to keep in the same room? Right now I use a basement room for my listening room. 75% of the room is just for the system, but behind and to the right of my listening chair is a weight bench and some other work-out gear. I don't think it affects the sound very much, but...
My first system was in the living room because I was single.The whole house was dedicated.Then I got married and bought my second house and agreed the equipment in the living room was unsightly, so I commadiered one of the three bedrooms.Now in my third house and watching more animated movies with my five year old than I care to mention my system has settled into its third and hopefully last move.With a seven foot wide screen and enough custom gear and acoustic treatments this room crushes.Nothing is prettied up,all the treatment hang as they will and tube traps and amps are proudly out to see and all painted multiple shades of gray.....I am in love with this room.My one wish is that every person who flips out through a Lord of the Rings epic or an evening with Nemo goes home to a wife like mine and says its time we get one of those.And I get to install it!!!!!

I was wondering what you meant by "Carpeted floor that "floats" (room is located above the garage)" . . .

I have a similar room that I am converting to a sound room. How did you do the floating? I am thinking of taking some resilient foam roll stock (used for hardwood floors), putting it on top of my existing plywood, then putting a second layer of plywood on top. Is this similar to your setup?

thanks, Bill