In the old days, when someone became interested in some activity like audio or -- hell -- make it -- stamp collecting -- or bird watching -- that person was called an enthusiast and the activity was called a hobby. Now, if someone devotes more attention to an activity than the assumed norm -- that person is labeled obsessive/compulsive -- same term used to described the type of person that washes his or her hands three or four hundred times per day -- and therapy is recommended. Be a pretty boring world if not for
obsessions like music. I am not a licensed therapist, nor do I play on on TV, but IMO, there's no harm in voraciously reading Hifi magazines or hanging out in HiFi shops as long as your children aren't starving because you spent the family's food budget on a
set of interconnects. Speakers, I can understand.... heh-heh -- just kidding -- don't call the shrinks on me -- it was just a joke. Really.
obsessions like music. I am not a licensed therapist, nor do I play on on TV, but IMO, there's no harm in voraciously reading Hifi magazines or hanging out in HiFi shops as long as your children aren't starving because you spent the family's food budget on a
set of interconnects. Speakers, I can understand.... heh-heh -- just kidding -- don't call the shrinks on me -- it was just a joke. Really.