Any recommendation for a modern FM tuner

While I am considering several classic tuners, I am wondering if any of the modern FM tuners are any good. What modern FM tuners should I consider? Why do people say that the vintage tuners sound better than the modern tuners?
What modern FM tuners are recommended? Thanks
My price range is $1,000 but I could go to $1,500. What about the Meridian 504? The question is old tuner vs. new tuner. Thanks
Personally, I would be VERY interested in the 504 if I was looking for a new tuner; Very nice tuner indeed! Have you read on it at This tuner would fall in between old vs. new, actually more towards new; it was introduced in '93
Brian is exaclty right about the tuners from the 70's and 80's. I've got a yamaha from '78 that I absolutely love. However, I also just picked up a Parasound Halo tuner and have been really impressed with its performance.
I agree w/the 504 would make a fine choice but do be sure to check the remote that goes w/the unit. What I've seen of remotes for that piece are rather bulky, table-top consoles.
Lately bought a few tuners on E-bay for really small amounts and I'm really impressed by one model made by Sherwood in the early 80's called the TD120B. Looks plain, non-remote but sounds absolutely great in my system. Paid about $28 inc. shipping for it. Has better specs, lower distortion, tighter/lower freq. specs, equal to or better seperation than four modern tuners that I've owned which retailed from $250,$350 and $700.(I'm so impressed w/this tuner that I bought 3 of them!) It's not listed in the FM info site. Also, a used Yamaha RS (remote-capable)TX-540 is also for the $ is a nice little tuner. You might want to consider a Kenwood KT-7300/7500/8300 as well if size, silver and non-remote doesn't bother you. These might with or without modification perform equally as well for you. The 504 does look really nice and I wouldn't mind owning one myself one day. Good Luck in your quest!
Over the last three years, I have auditioned (and owned some of) the Fanfare, Audiolab, Dynalab tuners -- they are all very good, but end up now with Mcintosh MR71 and just love it. MR71 is magical, may be because of the tubes. Mine has the Mod.
Good luck on your search!