Zaikesman's Username Pronunciation Field Guide

OK, here's the deal: It's pronounced "Zikes'mn", not "Zakes-man" (accent on the first syllable with a long "i" and silent "a", the second syllable with a schwa "a"). Preferred 'nick-username' is Zaikes (rhymes with 'yikes').

Anybody else out there with a username having ambiguous/obscure correct pronunciation (you know who you are), here's your big chance to set us all straight!

(And the rest of you stop snickering :-)
I have neices and nephews living on either side of me.

So, as I am used to responding to this from all family members---child and adult alike---y'all can call me 'Unclejeff', too.
I figured with such an unusual first name like Sherod, I'd go ahead and just use it as my username,just like Sean, Albertporter,etc.( except their first names aren't unusual) It's a family name( I'm the 3rd) taken from my great-great grandmother's French last name Sherrotte. Sherod, just like Sherrod, (some people have this as their last name) except with only one "r", is pronounced Cher-ud, with the accent on the first syllable. Very few people get the pronunciation right the first time.I have had a rough time throughout my life with my name that I usually just accept how most people pronounce my name without taking the time to correct them and then go into a long thesis of where it came from. Most of the "rednecks" in my neck-of-the-woods just say," What the heck were your parents thinking?"
What started out as a sort of "out of the ordinary post" has actually been kind of interesting.

Alex: Calling you "Z" saves me some typing. As you all know, i try to keep things as short as possible in my posts : )

Like Sc53 ( does that stand for Sarah Connor of "Terminator" fame ??? ), i too thought that Jeff's last name was Loistarca. Having Drubin point out the possibility of it meaning Jeff & Lois Tarca shows me how keen and alert he really is. Then again, maybe Drubin was just as delusional as Sc and i were since Jeff had to straighten us all out : )

Same thing goes for Brian. While i've never heard the last name of Mgrarcom, i've heard just about everything else. I finally realized it wasn't Brian's last name after looking at his email address during private correspondence.

As far as Tireguy goes, i thought he took that name because his physique resembles that of the Michelin Man : )

As for my name, i have to wonder how many people are actually pronouncing it right. While folks living in highly populated areas may be familiar with how my name is said due to being exposed to someone else with this name, i bet those that are in less populated areas think it sounds like "Seen". That would be logical IF you you weren't a descendent of drunken hooligans that had a hard time spelling : )

As such, Sean, which is actually pronounced Shawn or Shaun, is the Irish translation of John. If you can't figure out how they got "Sean" out of "John", try watching the movie "Snatch" with Brad Pitt. He plays what they refer to in the movie as a "piker" and speaks a cross between Irish, English and Gibberish. If you write my name as he might say it, you'll probably end up in the right place : ) Sean

PS... Just as Sean is pronounced Shawn / Shaun, the name Seamus is pronounced "Shame-us" ( Shamus ). I mention this "just in case" you meet someone named Seamus and you don't want to embarrass yourself by calling them "See-mus" : )

PPS... In Ireland, Sean is used as both a male or female name i.e. kind of like the name Kim, Lynn, Robin, etc... As far as i know, i am of the male persuassion : )

PPSS... Think of "Sean" as in Sean Connery aka "James Bond: 007". He's not quite as slick, handsome or suave as i am, but you get the idea : )

PPPSS... Actually, i'm closer to resembling Austin Powers than i am Sean Connery. But hey, i still get the chicks anyway : )
I've heard Unsound pronounced as " THE AL-MIGHT-Y GOD WITH-OUT E-QUAL" in some parts and as "de-lu-sion-al im-be-cile" in others. The interesting thing is I've only heard the first version alone and in the dark and no else can seem to verify it. Where as the second version seems WAY more common. The odd thing is first version sounds so much LOUDER!
You slipped and let everyone know how old you are when you described women as "chicks". But then, Mr. Connery,now well into his 70's, still gets the "chicks".