Sistrum or Neuance or...?

I'm considering some isolation for my transport and DAC. Which of the Sistrum or Neuance do you recommend? Or what else? I'm certainly open to suggestions. Thanks.
I used to, but if you remember that you have a good memory or are adept at searchin' me posts! :-)

Not to challenge anyone's design. I figure Sistrum has researched what they think is best and some folks seem to like them.

But let me ask this. How would the dynamics change, if any, in the event something like the ceramic DH cones were used in place of the Audio points?
There are a lot of egos in this thread. Nothing like pumping up is there!
One thing I've learned is never comment on something unless you've
tried it. I'm assuming all the negative comments on this thread about
Sistrum are from those who have tried it and found it didn't make a
difference in their system. I remember a lot of engineers arguing in the
comfort of their gov't offices that a small piece of foam couldn't damage
the space shuttle. I don't know, did they try it?
Does one have to ingest manure to know that it tastes like ....? Then again, maybe it doesn't taste all that bad. Anyone up to eating a few heaping bowlfuls and reporting back with their findings? Ten bucks says i can guess the results without lifting a spoon. Sean

PS... This was NOT meant to allude to Sistrum's being comparable to manure. It was meant to prove a point i.e. that God gave us the ability to think rationally and the capacity to deduce things logically so that we WOULDN'T have to think twice about some things. Obviously, the Sistrum has a lot of time, effort and thought put into it. Anybody that says otherwise is foolish.
Good-day to all,

My name is Robert from Star Sound Technologies, LLC.

Please accept this simple invitation for all Audiophiles, veterans and novice alike, to pick up the telephone and call me at 1-877-668-4332 (toll free) or my personal line is (740) 922-0459.

I will answer all of your questions.

No sales pitch will be presented as our gracious return policies dictate all of our products performance capabilities. I will provide you information that will increase your core of knowledge while opening up a few new thought processes as well.

Should I not be able to answer any question appropriately, I will immediately direct the question and/or client to a specific Star Sound engineer. They will provide you the correct information in order to help further your understanding of exactly what it is that we have discovered and how we are applying these newfound technologies to the recording sciences, sound reinforcement industry, musical instruments and of course the audio reproduction processes.

However, please realize in advance that we will not disclose any sensitive information with regards to our proprietary technologies.

Star Sound Technologies has always strived to provide our callers a greater understanding of resonance profiles and the control thereof. After fifteen years of research and product development, we along with some very qualified and dignified Industry reviewers have positioned The Science of Resonance Energy Transfer as a functional vehicle within the terminology associated with resonance control methodology.

Providing the public an education of our newfound technical breakthroughs has been one of the most difficult and expensive tasks we have ever embarked upon. The majority of our advertising budget is spent on verbally communicating with Audiophiles from around the world. Believe me when I state that we truly enjoy every personality, conversation and every penny we have invested to date on this format. We believe that public opinion and word of mouth still carries the majority of weight and holds the true secrets to success in the music business.

Should some of the members here remain committed to attempting to aggravate us by using simple terms like technical BS, or wish to call us out onto these forums to simply accuse, argue or ridicule – please, dial us in first?

The advantage of a phone call is always in your favor. I will not know who you are yet you know who I am. If I do not have enough time to discuss your agenda due to my additional responsibilities, we will set up an evening appointment.

I will spend as much time as required of me in order to advance your understanding of resonance profiles and how this Science of Resonance Energy Transfer establishes a more efficient state of operation.

We can also discuss the expected results from employing this process and the merits associated with the increased flow of information and how more information flow will increase your systems musical performance along with the more important bottom line; enhancing your enjoyment from listening.

We thank you in advance for your time and very much look forward to speaking with you.

As always – Good Listening!

Robert Maicks
Star Sound Technologies, LLC