Forte Model 55 Amp

Anybody know anything about this amp? I did email Jon Soderberg and am waiting for his reply...but I think it's interesting that I can find almost nothing anywhere about this particular model other than the bluebook listing here. FYI in my somewhat modest system the amp sounds GREAT...(Adcom GFP 715, Silverline Preludes, REL Q150E sub). Anything leading me to a detailed list of specs or whatever would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I saw it at a great price on the used board too, but passed on it because I knew nothing about it. Having owned the model 4a, which was Class A, I knew it wouldn't be as good so I passed on it. It's sold now.
Sold to me actually. No clue if it's as good as the Class A but if it was any better my head would explode with excess happiness. Like I said...there are NO REVIEWS or comparisons I can find anywhere. It's built like a tank and Soderberg, at least in his inital response to me regarding mods, says it's the last if the Forte' amps and doesn't use the IBGT transistors. That is supposedly a good thing. It's also not in the standard Forte''s tall and shallow (like me) and not short and deep (like Paul Simon). I'll have to find somebody near me who has a Forte' Class A in similar (near perfect) shape as this amp and do a comparison so I don't continue to perhaps mistakenly enjoy this thing so much...
HI,Wolf.I do not know much about the model 55.But forte was a little bit less expensive amp made, by threshold.The most important fact is are you happy with your purchase.If the forte sounds any where near as good as threshold you have made a good purchase.
I have found plenty of general info on the Threshold/Forte' connection...Forte's were a LOT less expensive than Threshold amps. I just can't find anything specific to this model such as a list of specs. ANYTHING!Also, I personally would not buy an older class A amp as it seems risky to use gear that has been baking in class A heat for years. A restored one maybe, but so many great class A/B amps are out there along with well regarded class D stuff that won't cook itself.