vandersteen 2ce sig/ 3a sig power requirements

just auditioned both speakers with ss and tube gear what a difference. tubes blew away ss big time. listened to the 2's with 60 watt audio research integrated amp vs. 200 watt seperates which cost twice as much. unfortunately only listened to the 3's with 100 watt tube seperates (newbie error). prefered the 3's alot more compared with the 2's.
my question, do you think that 60-80 tube watts is enough juice for the 3's i'm considering cary sli-80 and rogue tempest magnum. room is 18x14 with 9' ceiling. mainly classical and jazz.
aloha keith
aloha keith
Ag insider logo xs@2xatagi
It will be if you don't play the speakers very loud. The 3a Sig. is not a demanding electrical load but they do have a somewhat low impedance of less than 4 ohms over some of the range. They are also somewhat inefficient. I would try before I buy and see. Could be fine. I think Vandersteen recommends a minimum of 100 watts.
Also, give them a listen with a Belles 350a solid state amp if you can. You might be surprised what you hear! It is rated at 250w/ch @ 8 ohms and doubles at 4. It is the best sound I have had out of the 3a Sigs period. The bass control is amazing( an area where I'm afraid the cary will come up short)The Sigs also sounded great with the ARC VT100 mk.III tube amps in a biamped arrangement (although the bass was not in the same league with the Belles)
thanks bigtee,

i'll be sure to try with 60 watt amp. i don't listen very loud. does the belles lose anything in terms of spaciousness vs. the tubes? i couldn't believe the difference in sound.
You're right about tubes-- when I switched from Musical Fidelity A300 (150 w ) to antique Sound Lab 1001 (50w ) the sound went to a whole new level on my 2ceSigs.
I currently am on my second pair of Vandersteen 3A sigs (nothing wrong with the first pair, just tried something different for awhile). I don't think you will be satisfied with just 60 watts of power.
In fact, they are really best when vertically bi-amped which means two amps per speaker. That doesn't have to be as expensive as it sounds. I first started out with a Audio Research 100 mk amp which mated well with the Vandys. Then, to experiment with vertical bi-amping, I switched to a used Theata Dreadnaugt with 5 channels. One, of course, goes unused (now I have a back up :) ). I would never go back to a single amp per channel with the 3A sigs.