Forte Model 55 Amp

Anybody know anything about this amp? I did email Jon Soderberg and am waiting for his reply...but I think it's interesting that I can find almost nothing anywhere about this particular model other than the bluebook listing here. FYI in my somewhat modest system the amp sounds GREAT...(Adcom GFP 715, Silverline Preludes, REL Q150E sub). Anything leading me to a detailed list of specs or whatever would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Update...Jon Soderberg's latest email says the 55 was the LAST thing they made at Forte', and it was a run of maybe 100 amps. Explains the lack of info.
Is a incredible amp suett, defined and punchy.
Works fine in 4 Ohms.
To my taste better sounding than equivalent
Cool...although "amp suett" sounds like bird food. I appreciate the addition to the miniscule amount of Model 55 info I can find...I'm looking forward to another 10 months between posts to the thread, and, by the way, the "55" just keeps sounding better and better as I upgrade all the other components around it.
I have had one of these for, oh, about 12 years now. Searched high and low for info, but I do think I have a manual for it.
I will look and scan it if you need it emailed (assuming I really have it....)
I did send it to jon once to have it tweaked and cleaned.
I don't think I will ever get rid of it. I didn't realize it was so rare. I paired it with a Forte pre-amp and a Forte DAC, but the synergy didn't develop. Now I just drive the 55...
I'd really like to see the manual for the "55"...if you can email it to me, thanks in advance! I plan to send mine to Soderberg if I ever think it needs to sound better. I hope he stays in business for a while...