Tinnitus - do you have ringing in the ears?

I just read that an Audiogon member is selling a pair of speakers because of Tinnitus - ringing in the ears.

I have Tinnitus in both ears, one worse than the other, but I have learned to live with it.

Do you suffer from Tinnitus? Do you know of a treatment that has had successful results?

Something you may want to look into!

I had it in my right ear- turns out it was likely caused by grinding my teeth in my sleep- which i only do when lying on my back. I try my best to only sleep on my side and amazingly the ringing has gone away. I still get a slight fullness in my ear like when taking off in an airplane. Doctor says i am getting a fluid build up in my right ear- put me on Allegra allergy medicine to take "as needed". That to has helped.

good luck with yours!
Well, well, Pbb doesn't blame this malady on G.W. Bush and the USA? It's nice to know we aren't responsible for every ill effect that plagues the planet.
Lugnut, Lugnut, Lugnut, now you are the one turning this into some sort of political issue. Why would I blame tinnitus on GWB or the USA? From my northerly vantage point, am I right to assume that GWB is not the USA and that the USA is not GWB? Good day.
Now, now, Pbb. Nobody can blame me for poking you in the ribs. Just a little payback for your previous efforts. It WAS meant as a joke.
Lugnut: OK, am I getting too sensitive in my dotage? Drop me an e-mail, we can discuss what we heve been listening to of late. Have a nice day.