Pics with ads?

I'm curious about this. If someone is listing an ad and has pics available, why don't they just put them in the ad instead of e-mailing them to every individual who asks for them? Also a complete description of the item, such as finish of speaker cabinets and anything else that seems significant would be helpful. It doesn't cost any extra and takes a lot less time than responding to a lot of e-mails asking these questions.
Is there a good reason for not putting this stuff in the ad that I'm not getting?
No doubt about it Bigjoe, pictures sell products. You have a valid point. Those who don't make the effort may often have a more difficult time selling their product than those who do. There are some products that can sell themselves by reputation alone, but even then, there are those who are unfamiliar with them for whom a pic would be a good selling tool. I care more about what the gear sounds like than how it looks, but that's not to say I'd ignore the latter altogether. No, I don't think I've ever purchased an audio item on looks alone. Sometimes it does not relate at all to how that item performs. Some of the most outstanding DAC's are pretty plain. My AudioMagic Stealth PC is the kind of thing you might think was more likely produced by a toy manufacturer than for high-end audio use, yet it does the job beautifully and I don't care if it is just a lightweight plastic black box with a blue light on it. I do admire products that have it all together, beauty and brains in one package, but but I wouldn't base a decision to buy solely on one criterium or the other. There's nothing wrong with having different priorities......whatever floats your boat.


PS What's with the all-caps posts? Is your caps-lock key stuck, or are you doing your impression of Owen Meany ;-)?
I was going to say the same thing to Bigjoe. " Big " letters "SHOUT" at you and hurt the eyes.
On the above posts in caps. I must agree.

For some reason I find it annoying and I don't finish reading the post. It is not that I really have something against 'shouting', but it is just that since nobody else around here does it, use of such caps become unnecessary and a distraction.
there we go,ive toned it down a bit,as you all can see grammer & spelling was not my best subject in school.i also never buy based on looks alone but the fact that the look was stunning for me lead me to investigate further to see if the peice was worthy of replacing my mcintosh players,on the other hand i wont buy anything that is but ugly regardless of the performance.
Pictures, Pictures, Pictures...... I guess if I had asked Marco for pics of all the LP's I just purchased, I probably wouldn't own them today. Sometimes, it's just about trust. BTW, thanks for all the great tunes Marco.