What other obsessions do you have?

It's obvious that many of the people here have gone off the deep end (yes I include myself) with equipment and music purchases.

The question is what other obsessions do you have, or what else are you really into?

I was getting carried away with Martial Arts before an injury sidelined me, I would rather ride my motorcycle than drive, and I spend way too much time on the computer (most of it on AudiogoN). If I had the money I would have a bigger and better collection of wine. Other than that I'm perfectly sane! NO really!!!

We flew out of Minden, NV (just south of Reno), and flew south to Tinnemaha Dam (around Bishop) and back. Most of the flight was between 15,000 & 18,000 feet from thermals (and oxygen). My 31,000 foot altitude (definitely with oxygen) was on a seperate flight, in wave, just east of Tahoe. Even during the hot summer months of the desert, it was very cold at 31,000 feet. We could see the west coast with no problem.I was flying a 15 M racing sailplane called a Discus B on the 500 KM, 7 1/2 hour flight.
Brewing beer and educating myself on wholistic health. Oops that sounds contradictory, unfortunately beer has a bad rap, but the bottle conditioned belgian and belgian modeled beers are actually healthy.
Sports cars (Porsche 911 in particular), working out, college football, reading...and my new girlfriend. She is well on her way to assuming top priority, much to my amazement (and happiness)!