Cryoing of audio equipment

In general, is cryo-freezing of audio components worth the hassle and expense? I've heard varying opinions, and I'm sure I'll get a few more here, but I'm curious about the procedure. Any opinions and experiences welcome. Thanks!
I just installed my first Jena Labs cryo-treated Hubbell 20amp IEC onto my passive in-line power conditioner that connects to my amplifier. The improvements were substantial and surprising.

Of course, now I'm going to have to order more Jena Labs cryo-treated IECs, plugs, and outlets from them.

So why not continue this treatment with cables, ic's, speaker cables, and finally components themselves?

How does the non-cryo version of Jena Labs' outlet compare to the cryo'd one?
There's a huge thread on this. My experience is that the insulative materials' dielectric potentials need burn-in, or "curing", rather than deep-freezing the metal conductors.
Oohlala, that is a very good question and to be honest I wouldn't have the foggiest.

But I would venture a guess that the Jena Labs' non-cryo-treated 20 amp Hubbell IEC connector would sound quite similar to the replaced non-Jena Labs non-cryo-treated 20amp Hubbell IEC connector that came stock on my Foundation Research LC-2 passive in-line power conditioner.

DO NOT cryo any electronics. The plastic packages of ICs, transistors have different thermal expansion rates from the silicon and the metal leads and at these extreme conditions will crack the parts and damage them. Even the best military parts are rated for only -65 Deg C storage rating.