Low watt system for rock,electronica?

Is it possible?
David, I have stereo subs driven by some mean 150W Kenwood monoblocks. It's not a low watt system by any standard.

Aow watt system is like the one Lak has, with two little 5W SET monoblocks driving a pair of Cain & Cain Abbys. The sound is really clean, articulate and extremely detailed but it lacks the impact if the music demads so. Small scale acoustic music is extremely realistic, nonetheless. The best I've heard to date...
I listen to rock, pop, and electronica alot on my system. It only has 2 watts from a SET 45 amp, and single driver speakers. Maybe it might not be loud enough for some people, but it is plenty loud enough for me, and most of my friends who hear it say it is plenty loud enough too. Alot of dynamic impact. Not alot of deep bass or slam, but rock and pop don't generally have much deep bass under 40Hz. Electronica can have some deep bass synthesizer notes that are below my speaker's capabilities. This is not real common, nor does it seem to bother my listening enjoyment. If you place a huge amount of importance on bass below 40Hz, perhaps that type of system is not for you.
I got your 'clock radio' Marakanetz.----You 'a mean guy.---- Back to the issue at hand.I have the Sophia 845 (7.5k,new) I think it chops off at 60.(joke) While it goes down to 35 or so, there is no slam at that point.---That means it don't rock. There is plenty of below 40 info that just needs slam to sound alive.

Any of the Klipsch Heritage series, Lowther-based speakers, Cain & Cain, Omega, Avantgardes, larger Coincidents... (disclaimer: I sell one of these lines)

Plenty of contenders. In fact, the Ron Welborne has put together a page of speakers that work well with low-powered amps (his as well as others). Here's the link:


Best of luck to you.
