Going back to the original question...and budget.
The PSB Stratus Gold speakers need some juice to sound their best. They are a nominal 4 ohm load with dips below 3 ohms - while many of the integrateds here are, in fact, fine machines, they are not optimally suited to drive such a load. From what I've read from current and past Gold owners, the more clean power, the better.
On my radar are Musical Fidelity (A308 and A5), Krell, Plinius...any others that deserve consideration?
I'd prefer to avoid class D amps; the ones I've heard have not exhibited the warmth I prefer although I am not close-minded on the subject.
The PSB Stratus Gold speakers need some juice to sound their best. They are a nominal 4 ohm load with dips below 3 ohms - while many of the integrateds here are, in fact, fine machines, they are not optimally suited to drive such a load. From what I've read from current and past Gold owners, the more clean power, the better.
On my radar are Musical Fidelity (A308 and A5), Krell, Plinius...any others that deserve consideration?
I'd prefer to avoid class D amps; the ones I've heard have not exhibited the warmth I prefer although I am not close-minded on the subject.