Tice power conditioner

Does anyone know the reason for the demise of TICE? I own a Tice power condioner and find it an excellent product.
Customer relations? He dealt with my particular problem in a TOTALLY unprofessional manner! It worked out OK, though. I discovered the Custom Power Cord line of products. Their power conditioners BLEW AWAY the Tice conditioners, and for less money. The Custom Power Cord line has also been a multiple recipient of the T.A.S. "Golden Ear" award!
My experience was that their newer products were not as good as the older ones, although the Solo was a terrific product at a modest price point. I still have one of the early Power Blocks. I tried out one of the newer "III" versions that was "passive," where the selling point was supposed to be that they did not limit current. Well, I went back to the old isolation transformer-based unit in a New York minute. Truth is that most power amps don't like conditioning of any kind, and current limiting is not relevant on anything other than an amp. He was chasing a trend, and that's ironic for the guy who started the whole power conditioning trend in hi end audio. Tice also made some really good cables, too.
Fatparrot, I agree that CPCC products are good...the principal designer parted ways some time ago and has evolved things...
