best sounding integrated for under 2500.00

just getting back into audio. want this to be my last purchase. like smooth warm sounding equipment as i listen to alot of metal and rock from the 80s. this can sound harsh on alot of equipment. been researching for months and im getting more confused by the minute. i thought creek destiny or krell 300 might do the trick. any other suggestions. powering psb stratus golds.
Not sure what you think a lot of wattage is, but regardless of the size room you have, you really need something in the 100 watt range with your speaker,s relatively low sensitivity - I don't think that is a lot of SS watts, you may, not sure. I run my speakers with 35 watts and that is plenty of power for them, but they are 89db, you would need a 140 watt amp to sound as loud (all things being equal) as mine does with the much lower power amp than what I am recommending for you. I would think you could easily find a used SS integrated with the power you need to handle your speakers in the price range you mention.
cj made a lower powered 2250ss power amp that is 125 wpc and would work nicely when combined with one of their tubed pre-amps. I am not necessarily pushing cj here but they are a very reputable high end manufacturer with great customer service should you need it. And this combination will provide the smooth sound in the mid to upper frequencies you desire along with good Bass control. Also will easily fit your budget (used).

If you can deal with seperates, for under your budget you can get an NAD pre/power combo. PSB and NAD are owned by the same company. They use each other's gear to voice their own. Synergy goes a long way.

I think integrateds mentioned earlier like the Plinius are better amps than the NAD combo, but I'm not sure about the synergy. Haven't heard them together to say so.

Does the NAD M3 fit the budget?
I second the recommendation for the Bel Canto C5i as well as the more powerful discontinued S300i which I owned. You can pick up the latter used for around $1200 - $1500.
i have owned nad in the past and actually using a nad reciever currently. scared about reliability.