Where does the designation of "Audiophile" fit...

In the overall way you see Yourself? This has probably been asked before, so forgive me please if it is redundent. I actually started thinking about this after reading another thread here about the "typical Audiophile". It got me curious. Are You an Audiophile first and foremost, or does this distinction fall in place behind other badges you might wear. Parent? Professional? Volunteer? Maybe you would not even describe yourself as an Audiophile? Whatever the case may be, I am often suprised by what I read in these threads. I see people here as being extremely generous and friendly-sometimes unbelievably compassionate & funny, always very intelligent, beyond merely being well informed. I see myself as being fortunate to have such a resource.
Wellfed, thanks for switching #4 and #5 around! Originally, Cardinals ABOVE music lover...either you're a masochist, or you wear your "Bose" T-shirt with pride!
Music is most certainly an essential part of my life. Music has gotten me through tough times and accentuated the good ones. When I received a 20 year old McIntosh solid state preamp and poweramp I thought, "how cool and retro looking". When I hooked it up and heard what it did to my music I threw the four year old Pionneer reciever in the closet and have not looked back.

I consider myself having pretensions to audiophiledom but have no allusions that I am an a true audiophile. People, uninitiated, uninterested or of more modest means, may consider otherwise but I'm having fun and enjoying my music more than ever.

Stick me in a pidgeon hole, will'ya?! Have me crawlin' about with all that pidgeon shit?! Stuff me in a neat little box so you can check that off your list and know exactly where I stand...or rather crouch deeply in that contorted and painful position? Is that what you want Tim?! It's the ol' "Us" and "Them" game! Paint the world in shades of black and white! Well color me blue, with a crimson wash, and just a hint of gold! Y'aint gonna pin me down to no category, so your checks and balances please the upper management! No sir! Damned if I'll comply! You gotta wake up pretty early in the mornin' to pull that kind of crap on me ya'know. Well, if you get up around 8am you'll probably get away with a whole bunch of crap like that, but you don't know where I live, and it may take you a while to get to my house, and by then I'll be up and ready for you. HA! You and your kind can just stick to your A/B/A comparisons in your buddies basement listening room. Keep me out of it man. I ain't got no notes on graph paper, all neatly dated and numbered with arrows and footnotes, waxing rhetorically on amplifiers and speaker cables! I'm not giving away any secrets either. You think you can squeeze me, like you done these others before me who gave it up and popped like so many ripe zits, exploding forth with useless and banal information splattered across my computer screen like some poorly aimed porno site climax! No chance my friend. It'll be a cold day in hell with pigs flying everywhere and bears wearing big hats and looking for an outhouse to relieve themselves while the Pope squats naked by a tree grunting endlessly with no payoff! You can take your "Volunteer Audiophile" badge and use it as a suppository, just like Callahan suggested in, was it "Magnum Force"! Friendly?! Generous?! Where the heck have you been reading those posts man? They sure weren't mine, and I'm the only one writing anything worth reading on this god forsaken site. There's a bunch of crazy people here that seem to think that stereo equiptment is more important than breathing! I swear it must be some kind of cult. Look, I think they're plotting some sort of conspiracy to rule the world with power cords! If you're smart like me you'll pack up your belongings and head for Iceland. There's way too many of them to fight off, and they have this secret language that only they can understand. I read some of the words and I've been keeping a notebook, but I haven't been able to work out the meanings yet. Words like, "transients", "soundstage", "frequency response" and "macrodynamics"! I think they're some kind of codewords for the plot to put a $1500 power cords on electric razors and toaster ovens! They're evil I tell you! Get out there's still time and your power cords are all a reasonable girth!

I'm with Wellfed. And by the looks of things, I may be with him for what could seem like an eternity.

1. God.
2. My wife.
3. My son.
4. Others. (hey, I'm trying okay?)
5. Audio.
8. House projects.
19. Sports.
167. Hollywood.
1845. NPR
5291. Re-reading the Humanist Manifesto II.