Where does the designation of "Audiophile" fit...

In the overall way you see Yourself? This has probably been asked before, so forgive me please if it is redundent. I actually started thinking about this after reading another thread here about the "typical Audiophile". It got me curious. Are You an Audiophile first and foremost, or does this distinction fall in place behind other badges you might wear. Parent? Professional? Volunteer? Maybe you would not even describe yourself as an Audiophile? Whatever the case may be, I am often suprised by what I read in these threads. I see people here as being extremely generous and friendly-sometimes unbelievably compassionate & funny, always very intelligent, beyond merely being well informed. I see myself as being fortunate to have such a resource.
Whew!? That's one of those codewords, isn't it? Whew? Probably means that anyone who knows where I live should come to my house and strangle me with a thick, expensive power cord, and put me out of everyone's misery once and for all! You're one of them aren't you Tim? It may be too late for Tim, but for god's sake, if anyone else reading this has not succumbed to the wiley ways of this wicked bunch of ne'er-do-wells and still thinks "Whew" actually just means....well..Whew...Stop reading now and start packing your bags. Notify the press in case I don't make it to the airport tomorrow morning. My death will not go un-noticed and without meaning. You of the uninitiated may believe Porter's just making a jolly with his sly reference to the Iceland chick, but it's all a clever ruse to take suspicion away from him. Don't let him fool you. He's the ring-leader, the grand Poo-bah! Master of deception. Members of the sect plug in this week's code word at the end of the otherwise innocently amusing URL and sheezam, there's a map to my house, my flight number, a photograph of me, and all the information needed for the hit. I won't run this time Albert. Bring em'on! I'm stayin up late with Diesel at my feet. There'll be no grassy knolls to hide behind this time. If they do manage to get me then let my life be an eternal reminder to those innocents who come after me. You have been warned. Go away from here and enjoy your music without the benefit of dedicated AC lines, turntables that cost the price of a year at Harvard, or without the bragging rights afforded by cables that come with a diesel engine integrated into the housings! Save your money for dentist bills, tuition, vacation, and prostitutes. Get that bobbing head baseball-star figurine for the dashboard of your car that you've been wanting. Live large. Take chances.

An audiophile is anyone who spends significant time listening to music. Where listening to music is the primary activity, not just on to accompany another activity. Someone who will spend a Sunday afternoon or any evening simply enjoying their favorite music. They don't necessarily have a great system or even a good system. I have a friend who has a stack of records (vinyl) probably as high as his house. He simply loves to explore his vast collection of records, many of which I have never heard of, on his crappy stereo. When I was younger, spending my Sunday afternoons listening to the radio on my piece of crap Pioneer system, I was an audiophile. Now, when I do the same on my much more expensive system, I am that same audiophile. I like to see it as a love of music and not a love of equipment that reproduces recorded music. How many of us would sell a bunch of our favourite cd's or records for better equipment. Not me. When I can afford to upgrade, I do. But I will never put the hardware before the software. Some audiophiles choose to seek a better sound and some don't. But to me, it's always about the music. I try to have my cake and eat it too.
Marco, you took the oratorio right outta my mouth. If things get too rough for you out there and you're ready to throw in the life towel; it's easier to hang yourself with an Audience power cord, than an Elrod. We can always help you in your search. Be careful out there, 'til then....peace, warren
Too late for that advice Golivejr! Stayed up all night with Diesel and just went through my 14th shot of espresso. I live in Seattle man. It's against the law not to drink coffee in Seattle! They'll stick your ass in jail strap you down and hook you up with a Starbucks drip straight into your vein. After a few days of that they just drop you off in the middle of Occidental Square and brother, let me tell you, you ain't got a chance!

Heard a strange noise outside at around 6:30 in the A.M. and thought it was probably one of Porter's crew come to make good on the contract. So I sicked Diesel on their ass and come to find out it's my neighbor heading off to work. I don't know if it was me screaming or Diesel comin' at him like that but the poor dude crapped his pants and was late for work. There was some pounding on the door just after that, but I didn't answer it. I'll keep broadcasting up until they get me. Hear me now folks, The Beatles tried to tell you, but the music industry moguls got to them first. The original lyrics are locked in a vault an apartment in The Dakota building. It actually went, "Bose is all you need"!!
