Oh does anyone have any experience putting KT88's in either a CJ Premier 11A or Premier 1?
Thanks again
Thanks again
What are some good tube amps that rock? KT88's?
B&W's are typically better with ss amps. I'm surprised your having problems with "grit" with your system. While a tube pre doesn't typically inflect a tube sound as much as tube amp, and while you have a fine ss pre, if you want to add tubes, I suspect for total system synergy, you might be better off with a tube pre rather than a tube amp. A c-j tube pre might be a good candidate. |
If possible check out Octave. MRE 130's are my first thought with KT88's. Now I just read Octave just released an amp designed with the KT120's - the RE 290. http://www.octave.de/en/htdocs/verstaerker/re290.php Good luck |
Forgot to mention I got the Octave V70SE integrated to drive my Dyn C1's (85db). I mention that because Dyn's love current and the Octave is fantastic. As far as KT88's personally for the money the Gold Lion re-issue is my favorite. If cost were no object the EAT KT88 diamond is better (but not 6 X the money - maybe 2 or 3 X). That being said my favorite tube (again money is no object) is the original Tung Sol 6550 black plate. They remind me more of the EL34/KT77 mid range magic but with KT88 power. |