What are some good tube amps that rock? KT88's?

Hi there, I am currently using an all older CJ SS setup. I fell I need a tube amp to get rid of the grit in my system. I thought upgrading my DAC would do it but it remains.

Its really important to me to be able to play loud, I have been told I would do best with a KT88/6550 based amp. I owned a CJ Premier 11A and loved (Sold it due to budget back in the day). I listen to everything but I play rap,reggae, and rock mostly when I play loud. Im going to be crossing over my speakers at around 60-80HZ

My speakers are B&W Matrix 804's which want a decent amount of current despite their small appearance.

Tanks a million
Like you I loved my 11a and sold it for more power as it ran out of juice quick on my stats.

I bought cj 12's.

The used prices should put them on your short list.

Have Fun!
Since you like playing your music loud maybe the grit you hear is your amplifier clipping. If that's the case maybe you should think about a more efficient speaker.
You are almost right, sadly its more of a low to mid volume issue, at high volume, the dynamics make it where I dont mind so much.

The tube preamp is a though but I LOVE my preamp, its fast as hell and I dont think I could get anything built that well for anywhere near where my budget allows.

I hear lots of mixed views on VTL, I have heard build quality and output transformers were an issue with earlier models, can you recommend some older models, My budget is not going to be higher than 2K maybe 3K and that pushing it to the limit (AKA It aint happening any time soon) but its looking like right around that area is where all the pieces I am going to want are going to be priced.

These are the smaller B&W Matrix 804's, they still want some current, but they dont dip below 4 Ohms

Its a little out of my league, before I bought my preamp I was going to buy an older CAT, dudeman brought into the shop and couldnt find anything that came near it so he kept it (Bummer, but I love my Motif). You have great taste

Sorry I cant answer everyone but thanks a million I really appreciate the help

Can anyone comment on the differences between KT88's and 6550's they have noticed in their amps when using comparable tubes

Also does anyone have experience with a Conrad Johnson Premier 1?

I have the same experience with CJ SS gear, and recently commissioned Jim Nicholls to make a tube amplifier with enough juice to push my Dali 400's. The amp weighs 80 lbs., has 8 output tubes, and can handle el34/6ca7 as well as KT88/6550's. I currently have Electro-Harmonix 6ca7's doing the job, and the amp sounds fantastic. The grain is totally gone, the soundstaging is superior, almost 3D holographic, and the mid-range is to die for. Also, bass is strong and tight. What's not to like? Jim modestly rates the amp at 80 to 90 watts per channel, but his teacher, Lance Cochrane, thinks the output is well over 100 watts per channel. in any event, with the increased sensitivity of this particular amp, I can play music at loud levels and still not strain my CJ PV-15 pre-amp. The amp is also auto-bias, plug and play. It only set me back $1500, and the amp is clearly competitive with more well-known brands costing 3 or 4 times as much. I would suggest getting in touch with Jim and asking him to build you an amp. His webpage is called "Glass with Class", and there is a review of his amps on Dick Olsher's review page. Just google "Jim Nicholls tube amps".