use of treatments and sound consultant


Anyone care to offer me their 2 cents on acoustic treatments and acoustic consultants. I have a listening area which is also my living room. I have hardwood floors and vaulted ceiling. Its a rather long room but average width. Anyway I have nice equipment (Wilson Watt Puppy 7, Rowland 302, Cary 306-200, BAT VK51SE preamp) and was wondering if anyone has any luck with an acoustic treatment consultant in greater Los Angeles area? I spoke to one individual and he said that I would need to install treatments on the wall and ceiling. Well this is not a dedicated room and has anyone done this in their living room? Also, he wants $350 to do the consult and they do not use electronic measuring equipment. Do you think this is important to use electronic or computer measuring equipment?


I did email Richard and he recommended that I subscribe to his journal. I will consider that but at this point was hoping to find an affordable consultant in Los Angeles to install acoustic treatment in my living room. Subscribing to journals and installing it myself in a hit and miss method is not what I was looking for especially when I have a vaulted ceiling that makes installation more difficult.


Perhaps Rives Audio can help? I am going to do a Level 2 room acoustics soon I think.

I am sure the dealer who does the analysis will have room treatments and people who can install them (of course, not free)
This is a view looking over my sofa and into the acoustically treated walls. People standing in the room are seldom aware the entire space has been professionally treated.

I can answer questions if you have further interest.
Just before Mark Levenson sold Cello (and subsequently went out of business), I delt with Jerry Del Colliano at the Los Angeles Cello showroom. Since that time, Jerry started and has evidently been very succcessful running the website AUDIOREVOLUTION.COM. Dispite my personal feelings, I must say that Jerry and his associates are very competent in these matters, and Jerry has even posted several articles on this subject on his website (if I recall correctly, Bob Hodas was Jerry's pick to "tune" your room). Anyhow, he is located in West L.A., and I'm sure he can help you out.
Good Luck! Ken Gootkin
Thanks everyone for their input. I did end up speaking to Bob Hodas who not only is an expert but is incredibly nice and donated his time to talk to me by email and by phone. I am now going to get an estimate from Whisper Walls for my place.