new gear vs used gear

another thread got me thinking about this,how much of your current rig was bought new & how much of it was bought here on audiogon or ebay.

out of the 14 seperate pcs of gear im currently running 12 were bought on audiogon & 2 were bought at a dealer.

this isnt a dealer bashing thread i was just curious as to the numbers & why you choose to buy used or new.

Marakanetz, I disagree that new is ALWAYS overpriced. When I initially graduated from "upper mid-fi" to "high-end", I was lucky enough to find a dealer that worked with me. It is hard to put a value on the knowledge that I gained from the dealer's expertise. In addition, a dealer's loyal customer will usually get first crack at a trade-in item, a demo that has to be sold, or an item that the dealer or a salesman wants to sell from their personal rig. I was also advised to stay away from a popular speaker line that the dealer was auditioning (shoddy cabinet construction). Warrantee work on a new item, although rare, can save you some SERIOUS money that would otherwise be spent for repairs on a used item. I was very lucky to find this dealer, as my previous experience with 2 other high end dealers were less than satisfactory, to put it mildly. As I got an education, I shifted to buying primarily used or demo gear. Personally, the only items that I would be somewhat reluctant to buy used would be a turntable or a phono cartridge.
It's not like you missing out on that "New Car Smell" buying used? As long as the item is in As New condition, & has a transferable warranty then I'll jump on the used bad wagon. However I feel I may actually be in the 50/50 new/used group.
I used to be 100% used. Now, I'm about 50/50. I buy used any chance the item I am looking for is available at a reasonable price. Lately, I've been buying new cheaper than I've seen used pieces listed here on audiogon.
I do buy tubes cartridge, arm and TT new.
The rest of my components either used or refurbed.
As to electronics I'm OK with no warranty to fix problems myself.
everything Audiogon except speaker cables purchased new from dealer at about 35% off list price.