Anyone auditioned Pass Labs XP-30 preamp?

Has anyone heard the XP-30 that was released a couple of weeks ago?

I have the XP-10 and just wondering how much better the XP-30 is at $16.5K? How does it stack up against the Ayre KXR preamp?
The moon740p measured impeccably and touted some technological advancement M-eVol2 volume control, mLovo crap. 120db sn ratio....
Won a reviewers choice who need to have his ears checked.
no, its not system matching or break in time, i took care of that.
It sounded refined, smooth and smooth means veiled. Lack of airiness, clarity and crispness.
Everything seems polished and filtered and bloated, that is probably why it measured so well.

My aged aragon trounced it in every aspect.
The expensive lesson here is, never read too much into a manufacturer's technological breakthrough bulls and fancy marketing crap.

Second, never fully believe what the reviewer says.

3rd,in audio, an equipment which measures well does not necessarily sound good. In fact, it could be a sign that something else is compromised which is why it measured so well.
There are not many preamp out there which can beat my humble aragon 28k.
Throughout my comparison, it stood well against ml326s, accuphasec2420, ayre5xemp, mbl5010, jeffrowland capri,

It completely trounced moon740p, musical fidelity , rogue audio.

Other makes not yet tried.

Pity it does not have balanced output, cannot fully bring out my amp's potential
Interesting read Rower30, thanks for sharing.
I found myself agreeing throughout because I have the XP-20 & you mention characteristics synonymous with the XP-20.

I hope I get to hear the XP-30 in my system!