sistrum vs neuance

Anyone tried both products? What differences did you hear. A similar thread degenerated in to arguements and name calling. Please, could we talk about the sonics and leave the physics and egos out? I don't want to fight about isolation, energy transfer, etc. but I would love to hear your listening experiences with both products. Thanks
Psychic animal, again, you're playing unfair. This has been, and will hopefully continue to be, a friendly, interesting exchange. Why add the "techno babble" rap? Your disparaging remark is ill willed, as usual. Can't let go, can you? Let's keep this to principles before personalities.....peace, warren
Larry maybe Ken will send you his devices for demo..Maybe then you and I as well as others can partake in a resolute demo. I have the other branded products so we will be half way there. Tom
Anything is possible! I would be willing to demo any item anyone wants to send me with a fair open mind! I'm not sold on any one product or method, I realize that there are many very good alternatives out there for individuals. That's why I have each of my three audio systems set up differently, in different rooms.
Lak, undoubtedly the best place to do *that* test, (if you still want to) is with the T4. You'd need to accurately weigh the beast and give the amount to Ken.