New York, New York - Audio Stores?????

I know this question has been posted before but I cannot seem to find the answer. I am traveling to New York city soon and plan to hit a few of the big audio stores. What are the premium Hi-end audio stores in New York City? Thank you for your help.

EarsNova is definitely the worst dealer in N.Y , and may be the country. Me & my friend were looking to addition Vandersteen Qutros . I live in N.Y he lives in N.J but we both work for the same company & share the same hobby HiFi & music.So i call earsnova if it is possible to addition this speaker with my amps (cyber 800) & my preamp (TacT 2.0). The person an the other line gladly agree.Called my friend to help me with all this stuff and off we want.Us soon us we arrive the owner ask me if I am series & if I don't mine paying fool price.He intergate me for about 45 min. In the mid time me , my friend and very nice guy that work there are setting everything up. Then i mention another dealer that i deal with & still do .Then he start bad mouthing the guy for selling some chines equipment.At the end he started criticising my stuff & my philosophy about dealer , buyer relationship. I packed my stuff went to N.J without having a chance to addition the speakers witch I late both in N.J. I will ever ever go there or recommend this place to anyone even my enemies . From my own ( VERY VERY VERY BAD )experience.
I've had experiences where dealers decided I was probably going to just use them for demo and then buy on the internet. In every case they were wrong, but, maybe they are just tired of being burned and overly cautious? I AM very active on the internet - much more so than with dealers - but I never use a dealers time unless I am serious about buying from them.

In the mean time, the dealers that treated me this way lost opportunities for sales. Fair enough, that's their choice.

There was one particularly weird case where a local dealer sales rep confided in me that all of their staff treat me badly at that shop because once I borrowed gear from them for demo and then bought it used on the internet instead of buying from them. But I NEVER did that! Freakin weird. They went out of business fairly quickly, so maybe they were just in some kind of final upheavel....

Oh yeah, as for New York City, I've had fine experiences at Innovative and Singer. I can't say about the others.
Found a very nice people in N.J (Audio connections)(there is another nice guy or two in Jersey but my experience with theme is very limited) & Pennsylvania (Quest for Sound). If you asked me , is it worth to drive 1.5H or even 2.5H. ABSOLUTELY !!!! I have had it with N.Y hyenas !
I guess if you wanted to be treated nice & with respect there is only one way to do it in New York . As soon as you arrive at the store take your VISA Platinum unlimited and say please take my money. From New Yorker.