Managing stiff PC on lightweight component

I am trying to use a stiff PC on my lightweight Pioneer DV-47Ai transport which sits on top my DAC which in turn sits on roller bearings which in turn sits on top of of a Machina Dynamica Promethean spring platform. Any thoughts on how I can make this work are appreciated. I like the performance of the stiff cable as compared to the limp cable it replaced. The stiff cable can be bent to shape.
We've run into stuff like that with customers using our Sonoran MicroBearing cables(which are heavy), and it usually works out well if you use cable-ties to fasten the cables to the rack/stand legs. This holds the cable to the rack, and in a good position(hopefully) to not interfere with any normal operation of your spring supported stand.

Actually, it sounds almost like a LP12 tonearm cable-dressing situation, and the cable needs to be securely fastened to the stationary part of the stand, while allowing a certain amount of "free-play" in the cable that leads to the equipment, so that it doesn't interfere with the spring suspension movement of the equipment platform. FWIW, if you get this right on a Linn LP12, then it sounds good, and if you don't, it doesn't. It could have similar effects on your platform.
I've used some big PC's before that fell out of the IEC jack, so I just tied some old shoelaces to the back of the rack using a sliding knot & adjust the tension as to balance the unit (if applicable) on an isolation device.

BTW, I found the smaller round style of lace works best.
I should have mentioned that I am not using a rack. The Promethean platforms just sit on the floor and are about eight inches in height. I do have the PC on some ceramic cable lifters and this helps some. I don't have digital picture capability at this time.
Use a more compliant power cord.

Been there, done that, didn't like the results as much.