What is " lowball"

Do any of you have an idea of what constitutes lowball as a general rule. I have purchased things at 75% of asking price and have been ignored at 90%. All my sales have involved some haggling to find a middle ground and some started at what I thought was a lowball, so it annoys me when I am ignored. I guess it is better than getting involved with someone too busy to type NO THANKS and hit send. I'm just curious what everyone considers a rule of thumb in regards to making offers.
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50 % is way low I agree, and would never make an offer that low. I always try to make an offer consistent with prices I've seen recently and use that average as a start, buying or selling. I want to get a good price and thought it was because I love money, but I was reading the post above and found out that I have a genetic disposition towards being tight because of my race. Now I don't feel nearly as responsible for my behavior. Great responses, I never thought this post would draw the race card.
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To me OBO means I would like to get my asking price. If I can not get this price, then what is your offer? Most reasonable buyers typically offer my asking price. If they have a good vibe, I typically will pick up or offer to split shipping if the item is heavy. If I detect that they are just trying to gouge me by offering a lowball and really don't want the piece but are just looking for a deal, I try to get them to pass. If someone wants something that is priced at market, they should be willing to pay the market price. If not, they really don't want it.