I enjoy sharing music, that's what this is all about. Since this is a hobby I can strive for the best and what suites my taste.
As for Photography, I make my living doing that and conform to whatever the buyer wants. If they specify 8X10 film, that's what they get. If they specify digital, that's what they get.
I own every format from 35MM through 8X10 and work for a variety of customers. Southwest Airlines will ONLY accept film, Raytheon ONLY accepts digital.
Much like the audio community the choices are divided and like a software store, I simply take the customers money and give them what they want.
So, the choice is not mine, unlike my music hobby.
It would all be on film and shot with my Hasselblad or better if I had my way. Digital may surpass film in the near future. Unlike digital audio where Sony and Phillips (and the like) control the quality of the format (and limit it). Photography is a recording of the original even, much like the recording engineer's job in music.
EXCEPT, in photography the buyer is the end user and it behooves Canon, Hasselblad and Nikon to do a BETTER job than the competition, otherwise they loose business. As this competition evolves, better digital pick up devices will be offered to the photographer at lower and lower prices, just as has happened with the computer business.
I wish this could be true of the music business. Unfortunately the big boys have no incentive, competition or reason to make things better for the small segment of audiophiles that want quality as well as great offerings from their artists.