What Happens When You Die?

As John Garfield's character in "Body And Soul" says -- "Everybody dies." If today were that fateful day, what would happen to your equipment and your music collection? Do your spouses, relatives, friends, etc. have any idea about its value, both financial and emotional? Is there any piece of equipment or music you would want to be buried/cremated with?

Me, they'll lay me out on a Marshall stack and set it afire while showing "What's Opera Doc?" My music collection will be boxed up and sent to a storage facilty with each box being labeled "Rosebud". The equipment will be distributed to my relatives, non of whom will have the slightest appreciation of its value.
Isellstuff, with a name like yours, will you really keep the gear and the wives? From reading some of these other threads, I bet there are some folks who would like to give you their spouses right now. Why wait? ;-)
I want to be cremated. I'd want them to lay my body on my B&W Nautilus 801's and light those puppies up!
WhaT happens when you die? I heard the music is heavenly unless you go the other direct then its Bose.
It all goes to my son who is following in my Audiophile footsteps. Yes....................... Makes going to CES a blast.....................