There Ought To Be A Law, Or At Least A Rule

A common post goes, "Is XXX company still in business? I've tried reaching them with no success..." I recommend Audiogon limit these types of post. High end audio is populated with many under financed small, if not single person operations. Anyone who has ever run their own business knows how difficult it can be to handle research, marketing, manufacturing and distribution at the same time. I'm not trying to defend unprofessional behavior, but some slack should be afforded to the smaller firms. A post on Audiogon questioning a company's viability cannot in any way help these small entrepreneurs and high end audio in general. I propose that anyone starting this type of post have to include the actual dates and methods contact was attempted as part of the post. Furthermore, I recommend Audiogon delay posting the question for 48 hours as an attempt is made to contact the manufacturer and alerting them to the post's content. Possibly some of the regular posters could volunteer to perform the contact.
It cracks the hell out of me when a company has a web-site with a "contact us" link to their e-mail address and then the person at the other end informs me that he/she doesn't like to communicate by e-mail. Well then, get the heck off the web! Okay, that's drastic, but the point is - if you're going to join us in the modern age and use the web to market your products complete with e-mail address and an invitation to e-mail, then you should have someone at your company who LIKES to communicate by e-mail!!!

Or, at the very least, someone who is willing to communicate by e-mail.
yeah man let's moderate and cencor every word and punctuation on each post and the 'gon will be ideally righteous just like we now doin' it politically.
If you can't get a response and you can't get your money back, and you have no idea what happened. I like to know these things. AKA the turntable set up guru's company.

He doesn't answer e-mails, or phone calls, and has had people's money for 6 plus months. I wanna know, and look to forums like this for information.

As to I'm too busy, and I own my own business. Not for long if you treat people like this.

A response to an e-mail or phone message within a couple of days is understandable. But months is rediculous.

If you can't take the time to take care of customers you deserve none. No exceptions to this rule in my book.

No sympathy for business'es snowed under with work, the labor market is saturated with the unemployed, hire some one!
