does Sirius sat have a refrence tuner???

Ok so satelite is never gonna be great, but does sirius have a "refrence" home tuner? thanks
Blast! I really liked what Sirius had to offer, is it going under? Correct me if I'm wrong but only Sirius had the NFL and NPR.
Sirius going under...Very doubtful. Most likely a take over target by the likes of Time Warner or one of the other giants. Also possible merger with XMSR. Definitly a buy at the current levels.
Sirius isnt going anywhere, and as far as XM having better sound, they are adding more channels, so all will suffer from increased load for bandwidth, Sirius also has 1 more Satellite then XM and less siganl loss.
Sirius financial figures are in deep doo-doo!!!

Trailing PE -8.48
Forward PE -8.76

[That's right, both PE's are NEGATIVE!]

Take a look at the company's financials, if you really want to get scared. Their liabilities far outweigh their assets. They have a NEGATIVE cash flow, which is getting worse [$616.7 million in 2004, $219 million in 2003]. Earnings were -$0.57/share in 2004 and -$0.38/share in 2003. Although this is an improvement of a whopping -$6.34/share in 2002. Hasn't turned a profit in 4 years. [Can anyone say "Dot Com Bubble?] Too much of a crap shoot in my book!