We need a new class of friends? That is a "weak" statement at best.
I feel Hi-End Audio is the way it is because of what it revolves around...music. It is not that we are crazy, alot are though, and it is not what we spend in time, money, and effort, it is becaue most dont really listen to music, they hear it but dont listen, a song to most is a few or more minutes and perhaps enjoyable but then another comes right after and so on... the Marketing is also true, I dont know how many times you have listened to music with someone who keeps asking you every 3 seconds "did you hear that?!" for a casual consumer, or average friend listening to gear this is going to leave a bad taste.
I never use the word Audiophile in the real world and shy away from it in general, I am a music lover and I like to shop for, hear and read about hi-end gear. but to be an Audiophile you have to really have more technical chops then I do, you have to know how things work, how to fix them if they dont and like to open up your components and tinker, seeing how I dont know how to really fix, and I dont ever take a look inside my stuff I am going to pass on the tittle, and I feel alot of others should be smart enough to also.