Fuses that matter.

I have tried six different fuses, including some that were claimed to not be directional. I have long used the IsoClean fuses as the best I have heard. No longer! I just got two 10 amp slow-blows WiFi Tuning Supreme fuses that really cost too much but do make a major difference in my sound. I still don't understand how a fuse or its direction can alter sound reproduction for the better, but they do and the Supreme is indeed! I hear more detail in the recordings giving me a more holographic image. I also hear more of the top and bottom ends. If only you could buy them for a couple of bucks each.
I never was one to seek out scientific proof about how any piece of my gear sounds.

I either like it or I don't.

It's an improvement or it's not and I won't try and tell anyone it's 2% or 20% or 200% better.

Night and day differences for me have all been in the past.

It's all shadings now, once you get past entry level gear.

It's also cumulative.

For the folks who like to grade system tweaks, the more 1% improvements you make eventually they add up to a 20% improvement or more.

Science hasn't yet given us all the answers to everything outside of this hobby either.

Neither do reviews give us all the answers, they are specific to who is doing the review and the gear is specific to them.

I can say that the Supreme fuses improve my sound, in my system, but I can't say they will do it yours, or that you could hear the difference in my system.Or that something is wrong with you if you can't.

Some folks make a big point out of the fact that they don't trust their ears,that the ears can be tricked(and provide the scientific proof of such claims, when provoked)so that for them to get a handle on things like fuses, they need proof in the form of a scientific white paper.

I've often thought that these types of audiophiles don't need to even buy audio gear,all they should need for musical enjoyment would be the sheet music.

I've always only had my ears to rely on, and I've been fortunate to have had some friends who were able to indulge in some very costly systems, that did in fact deliver on the goods.It was an education.

They didn't get their money by being fools, they didn't spend their money like fools and they weren't foolish enough to think that out of the box and into the wall was the only way to go.

The more you dable in this hobby and the more experience you have with being able to pick up on subtle as well as profound changes, the more things like fuses should make sense.

What I find so intriguing is that even at 100 bucks a pop,an upgraded fuse in a well tweeked system is about as cheap as it gets, and is so simple that anyone can "mod" their gear this way.

Scientific proof?

I don't need any,to me it's as simple as replacing a burned out light bulb, I know that works, don't care how.
I can see it with my own eyes.

Replace a stock fuse with a Supreme and I can hear the improvement.Don't care how it works.
I can hear it with my own ears.
Tbg said,

"As good as I thought the HiFi Tuning Supremes were, they are now much better. I had relied on the information I got from my amps' (BMC M1s) imported about the direction to be used as well as that of the HiFi Tuning importer on how to install the fuse. Friday I did an A/B direction testing. I had it in wrong."

Hmmmm...one wonders if Bryon Cunningham installed some of the fuses incorrectly during his recent testing of aftermarket fuses. If so, that might explain his less than stellar results. I suspect it would certainly help to know what an incorrectly installed fuse sounds like - noticeably harsher and more "electronic".
Bryon did not demo the newest Supreme fuse that I found considerable better than there first two efforts. There were some measurement tests on fuses on one of the zine sites that were very interesting and enlightening, don't recall which one. What was interesting was they all measured quite different.
Tmsorosk, what with directionality being an issue (except in the mind of skeptical couch potatoes) I have lost faith in ANY tests of fuses unless the person performing the tests is already familiar with the difference in sound fuse direction makes and unless he goes through the laborious procedure of trying each fuse in both directions as he proceeds. Not to mention the unplugging and re-plugging the power cord thing. There is a right way and a wrong way to get to the bottom of this thing.
I'm with Lacee here. If it makes a difference it makes a difference. You can read the white paper later.

There is a curtain amount of "voicing" a system that comes from small tweaks which when all added together can bring a refinement you would otherwise have missed. Fuses are in this catagory to me along with power outlets.

The question is where to start? Tube amps & preamps are a no brainer for fuse replacement in my experience, as long as you have paid attention to cabling & power supply too.

Which manufacturer of fuse is another question. Hifi tuning are not a bad place to start.