Help: my neighbor is killing my music....

I have a truck driver neighbor that has a tendency to leave his diesel truck idling for hours and hours and hours. One time it idled for nearly 20 hours, no kidding. He parks his rig across the street from where I live and sometimes the low frequencies are in-escapable in my home. Forget about listening to music. On ocassion, depending on where exactly he parks, my bedroom sounds like a running refrigerator.

An idling engine is illegal in a residential area in the state of California. I know, I checked. I have called the police several times and they have shown up several times. The idling stops and then starts up again. Whatever fine he is getting from the police does not seem to bother my neighbor very much. Either he pays it or ignores it. Whatever he gets fined must be worth leaving his engine idle for hours.

I am posting this note now as my neighbor's truck won't let me get to sleep. I am at my wit's end. Calling the police doesn't do any good as the idling is still goes on. I don't want to comfront this guy face to face and start some kind of hassle. I just want him to park his rig in a truck stop where it is supposed to be parked.

I need my sleep.

I want to be able to hear my music, again.

Any ideas?
I don't have an answer but wonder why this guy would allow his truck to idle for so long with fuel prices what they are today.

Is this a refrigerated rig with frozen or perishable food on board ?
My first suggestion would be to contact the local county (or city or ?) authorities & register a complaint. Not only is idling illegal, but in most jurisdictions you can't even have a commercial vehicle in a residential neighborhood, although this depends on the tolerance level of the neighborhood.

It's either a company truck or his own rig & you can look up the name that's on the side of the truck and/or trailer. If it's a bigger company they'll probably do something if you complain but if it's his rig or some jackleg outfit, it'll be a wasted effort. When calling, I'd suggest shielding your name and # to prevent repercussions. It can happen.

There's the possibility it's a reefer unit like Albert mentioned & if that's the case, there's no way the load can stay cool (or warm) w/o the reefer unit running, which is a small diesel located either on the top front of the trailer or under the middle of the trailer. There can be as much as 45k lbs. of product inside & if it goes bad, either the driver or the company has to pay for it, so they'll do whatever it takes to keep it at the proper temp.
1) See if he's a independent or employed by a corporation (tractor and trailer markings). Call his employer, if applicable.

2) Call your local police station, and ask to speak to the shift commander, and inform him on the ongoing problem

3) Call your local town/city district representative and report the ongoing violation of zoning ordinances.

4) Call the D.A.'s office and report him as a "public nuisance" who ignores repeated citations.

5) Call the state EPA (or DEQE) to report the illegal diesel pollution.

6) Hire an attorney.