Man, am i losing my hearing?

I gotta get my hearing checked!

I swear i hear things as well as i used to, but as time goes on i feel i have a hard time distinguishing what is being said. Seems like i am having a hard time making sence of what i hear.

Ive recently started seeing a new girl, and i swear she mumbles from time to time. She has been giving me crap about it latley.

I'm only 28, my hearing was excellent back when i was in the military, but it has been a while since ive had a test.

Whats the point in spending thousands on a stereo system if you cannot distinguish the subtle nuances anymore?



Havent talked to you all in a while, been too busy with the car and the new girlie. Looks like i might score a free 14lb Vortech Supercharger for the ol Mustang. Will have to redo the fuel hoses and fuel pump, and it will void my warranty, but an extra dyno'ed 184+ RWHP? Crap! That will put roughly 394-400 horses at the wheels!!!!!!
How could i turn that down? hell, i bet i could pull a low 12 second 1/4 mile in this altitude! maybe low 11's at sea level!

or maybe that is a bad idea? ROFL
I was just on the phone with Nrchy and we were lamenting the fact that you were not posting as frequently at Audiogon.

Have fun with all your distractions. The girl, the car and the music.

As for your hearing, If your girl mumbles too much, "Snatch" that copy of "The Great Gatsby" away from her and give her your personalized "Moby Dick".

Prove you're a literary giant.
Slappy seriously you should get it checked.

There is a condition called Otoscerlosis (sp?)which can hit you late 20's early 30's and is basically genetic and not related to outside considerations like your military background.

You are more likely to notice it when people speak than your hi-fi (which you compensate for with volume)and you may start to speak quieter yourself for related reasons.

If you need more advice,mail me direct.

Yo dude, I went through the same type of hearing problem when I was in
my late 20's/early thirties. It seemed to be at its worst whenever
dipthongs were used in a sentence (essentially, diphthongs are vowel
combinations that can be both difficult to ennunciate, as well as hear). I
went to a number of hearing specialists who confirmed that this was
happening (along with the sage advice that I was geting older) and it
seemed to level off by my mid-thirties. But what a load of crap I took
from an ex-wife and several ex-girl friends who swore that I was just
not listening.

Today, I have a much different, but related problem. Just about a month
ago, I had some spine fusion done and one of the screws not only broke
but ricocheted inside my spine, puncturing my spinal cord, and causing
spinal meningitis (system wide blood poisoning). On those rare
occasions when I am reasonably lucid, the last thing that I want is to
hear anyone ... so I guess it balances out.

Be well, Rich
Hey you guys,
Why spill the beans here on a national forum? You know as well as I know that your hearing is fine and that subconsciously(or consciously) you automatically filter out anything that you're not really interested in listening to. My long dead grandmother used to play that game with my mother and father. It's not that we can longer hear as well..we play music louder because it sounds better and also makes it impossible for us to hear our spouses bitch!!!
Hey Slappy, I also have a loss of hearing that effects me especially when I'm among too many people talking with ambient noise in the background. Sounds like they are mumbling. It makes going to bars and other social events a bit of a "pain in the butt."

However, it is a great justification for playing your stereo loud. It doesn't seem to affect my critical listening sessions.

Does your new girlfriend mumble all the time, or only after a "doobie"?