Cats and audiophiles

Are there any cat owners and audiophiles out there? Do your cats listen with you? I have four hyperactive bengals 2 males 1 year old and two females 18 weeks old. The males will listen to chamber music but not symphonic; all hate opera. None use the Avalons nor the Acoustats as scratching posts... lucky I guess. All four will sleep or listen on the sofa except the alpha male Crash (apropos). He will wander over to the Spectral DMA 180 and lay on it for warmth ( why I don't know because the room is warm enough). They will all leave disgusted if I attempt to put on rock or jazz. They will listen to Mozart all night long or until they are hungry, in which case they will "coo" (bengals coo--rarely meow) and do their love bites to let me know it is time for food.
In our yard, we have a couple of tree rats, I mean, squirrels. One in particular, we call Fatso, he teases the crap out of the cats. He runs up to the windows and paws
and taps them as hard as he can, then stands on his hind legs and sort of grimaces at them. Quite funny. Of course we feed the squirrels whole peanuts, which they take delight in tauting the cats while eating. I did open the door once and Crash, the alpha male dove for one but the squirrels ran like hell up the tree. Crash thought better of it. Crash did have a run in with a groundhog. Crash lost that battle but his brother and sisters ( all four have the same ma and pa) were in awe of him for taking that critter on.

Movies: apparently there is a DVD with cats meowing and
birds chirping that is suppose to entrall cats, but I have not seen it anywhere.

On the animal planet channel when the lions and tigers come on they watch very intently.
I have 2 cats about nine years old. They are sisters and couldn't be any different from one another. The one will come into the living room and jump on my lap as soon as I fire up the music. I'll bounce her around to the beat and drum on her to the rhythm. She'll stay there until I womp on her too hard. She isn't particular in her musical tastes, but really seems to prefer it loud like her daddy!
Xiekitchen, my parrot seems to like female vocalists, and will sometimes warble along with the performer. He also enjoys female comediennes on TV, and will sometimes laugh and cackle hysterically, along with the audience or laugh track!