Red Rose Music by Mark Levinson

Red Rose Music (New York City) is a new company started by Mark Levinson. They have a small system that includes a pre-amp, power amp and speakers selling for $9,500 (plus cables, etc). The electronics is very compact (they say) and, as per Red Rose, out performs more expensive components from other companies in sonic quality (of course). I live in California and a trip to New York to listen is impossible. Has any one ever heard this system or any body in the New York area planning to visit Red Rose Music for a listen? Any information is appreciated. thanks..
Red Rose Music is open for business in New York City. Please see their web site at Since thery only sell in New York, they want to send me their System so I can listen (or, I could fly from California to NY). I decided not to do this. I am still interested in hearing comments on their under $10K System.