It's not the sound I want!

My system consists of a Krell kav300i, Aeriel Acoustic 6s and AdcomGCD750. I have Cardas cables , Jenalabs interconnects and Synergistic Research ac chords. It sound great at times but I find many cds hard to listen to. I listen to vocals with acoustic guitar and the guitar sounds detailed but so metalic and unnatural. It sounds like sombody is playing a saw with a bow. Is this what digital really sounds like? Is it sytem matching? I dont think it is the speakers. Is it just a matter of settling for the best we can get for $8000.00 and limiting what we listen to?
Sounds like you have a great system Blbloom. The jena cable although not greatly advertised are good cables. I own a digital cable from them. If I am not mistaken your Aeriels have a metal dome tweeter. If so you might want to try a different set of spkrs cables. Something on the forgiving side. Hope this helps.
I'm sorry to hear that you're not satisfied with your setup. I suggest you completely rethink your system. From what you described, it's unbalanced. Assuming that you don't want to change the entire system, then the weakest component is your CD player. You spent too much of your budget on the speakers/amplifier and not enough on the front end. The money you spent on the better cables, interconnects and particularly the power chords was not a wise choice. You should only spend money on these items after the system basics are right. Your core components can easily support a CD player 3 to 4 times the cost of the Adcom. I know my reply sound harsh and overly critical, but I mean it to help you. Getting good sound is hard work and I don't know anybody who gets it right the first time. The high end is a journey, not a destination. Keep listening to your ears.
It think that alot of variables are present and an often overlooked one would be the actual listening room itself. You have great components now you have to tune your room.