My wife is so uncool!

My soon to be exwife was such a loser she refused to aknowledge the existence of imaging and soundstage just to be a wench. (My friends did). She kept saying "NO" with an attitude and pointed to the speaker saying "it came from there". And she kept bugging me to move my system to another room. AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I should have never tried to share my hobby with her. Now she's pregnant with some guys baby and butt poor. HEH HEH. Good riddens. So come on guys lets here your stories she won't see this. And we won't tell her we're all buddies here. You know you want to.
my wife hears with her eyes.Hated my Maggies,ditto the apogees, REALLY hated the voice of the theatres. My all horn system is permanantly sentenced to the basement. If it isn't a cute little box with shitty veneer on it it's days are numbered.doesnt matter what it sounds like. go figure
I heard a bit on NPR today about the results of a new study of men and women, and the extent to which part or all of the brain is involved in listening. Apparently MRI's showed that only the left half of a man's brain is actively involved when listening, whereas a woman's entire brain is involved. The study was quoted in support of women's contention that men only partially listen. I say there is a second and equally plausible conclusion: that men can do with half a brain what it takes an entire woman's brain to do!!
hey, sdcampbell, your conclusion mite be correct, if both halves of the brain functioned equally. however, as most of us know, the left half is the part of the brain that deals w/logic, the right half is the part dealing w/intuition & feelings. doug
I haven't married her yet, but my girfriend gives me oral sex when I sit in the sweet spot between my ML ReQuests listening to whatever I like. She routinely spends 600 bucks on a pair of shoes so she wouldn't dare think of complaining about the price of speaker wire. I think I am pretty lucky and will probably buy the ring.
Well, my wife IS totally COOL with Audio! She says "Honey, you work hard for a living, and after all the bills are paid, what you do with your money is YOUR business".. She always says, "The system sounds great Dear", and never complains about the hordes of obsessive phone calls and road trips........ Sorry to wreck the part guys! audioman
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