Fuses that matter.

I have tried six different fuses, including some that were claimed to not be directional. I have long used the IsoClean fuses as the best I have heard. No longer! I just got two 10 amp slow-blows WiFi Tuning Supreme fuses that really cost too much but do make a major difference in my sound. I still don't understand how a fuse or its direction can alter sound reproduction for the better, but they do and the Supreme is indeed! I hear more detail in the recordings giving me a more holographic image. I also hear more of the top and bottom ends. If only you could buy them for a couple of bucks each.
Knghifi, That's just what Bryon is saying. Boys must believe otherwise since they suggest he cannot hear what he hears in his system:

"Hmmmm...one wonders if Bryon Cunningham installed some of the fuses incorrectly during his recent testing of aftermarket fuses"

"I have lost faith in ANY tests of fuses unless the person performing the tests is already familiar with the difference in sound fuse direction makes"

"Well, I hate to judge before all the facts are in but I suppose there is some possibility that the unclean contacts masked the results of the fuse tests."

"Bryon is kind of an exception, since he cannot yet prove to himself that new fuses or fuse directionality are as important as everyone says"
Thank you Al, Nonoise, John, and Marqmike for your words of support. It’s heartening to know that there are other folks who understand what’s happening here.
06-09-12: Geoffkait
Bryon, what is hilarious is that you spend so much time arguing with *me* - geez, I thought everyone knew I was just a dodge and weave troll.
Shh. Do you hear that, Geoff? That is the sound of your defeat.

Your credibility is gone. And it will not return, so long as your admission to being a Troll exists on Audiogon. I am grateful to the moderators for showing restraint in this thread, because we have arrived at a culmination that was worth 400 posts, and that is your confession that you are a fraud.

Has it never occurred to you to ask why, in spite of dozens of posts arguing with you across multiple threads, I've never called you a Troll or a fraud? Because I suspected that, if I persisted long enough, and if I pressed back relentlessly, you would eventually do exactly what you have done: You would tell us yourself.

You have taken off your mask, Geoff. What is underneath the mask is… well, I’ll let people judge for themselves.

You’ve made a grave tactical error, one of several lately. The error should be obvious with a moment’s reflection: The biggest challenge to Machina Dynamica is the allegation that you, and your products, are a fraud. You’ve just told us that YOU are a fraud. It's a very short step to the conclusion that YOUR PRODUCTS are a fraud. Speaking of which...
Ironically, I have been the number one seller on Audiogon for the past five years with the highest rating, too…
This is false. As of this morning, Machina Dynamica has 1156 positive feedbacks, which can be seen here. Underwood Hifi, for example, has more than three times as many, with 3925 positive feedbacks, seen here.

In light of your recent confession, I hope you will understand if I interpret your false claim to be not an innocent mistake, but another deception. If so, then you have just provided us with the second Smoking Gun… not only do you use deception in your contributions to the forum, you also use deception in the promotion of your products.

Check and mate.

Bryon, another hilarious post....of course I was joking by calling myself a troll. Now, the real question is who is the troll here, you or me? You have certainly stalked me like one. By the way there are many reasons why you did not get definitive results with you fuse experiments, some of which have been touched upon, but since you are so persistent in stalking me, it might be of some interest to mention them now. One reason is your system is not up to standards needed for a test. You yourself pointed out the contacts had to be cleaned. That's not a very good sign. Another reason for inconclusive results is that your hearing is not all that you claim it is.

Funny, all this chestbeating and namecalling resulted from something as obscure and magical as a tiny little fuse.

Anyway, it's been nice stalking with you.

I am riveted to my listening chair (and I have yet to try better fuses, no really).
Gravitas to Bryon for excellent thread work!
And if you look at a virtual system photo and in that pictorial is displayed proudly and prominently a in wall giant resonance collection chamber [a TV] a virtual time machine of phase errors and noise, a sure cause of time release headaches and in the picture of that TV display you see a mirror image of the proud owner reflecting at his desk, recording his self image at his listening position and behind that hot spot is a row of windows that reside over his shoulders. A picture of science at rest. Golly gee, sure example of someone who should be giving advice and reasoning on the viability of fuses making a marked change in anyone's audio system based on that reflective beam box, laser like and bouncing back between his eyes ....That is a standard of reference to judge what? And then there is me guilty of my own giant run on sentences. figure it out your selves. Tom