Where to buy lead shot

Anyone know where I can buy lead shot to fill my speaker stands? I've tried hardware stores and a few gun shops. Any ideas are appreciated.
Finding lead shot is harder than it used to be, because the hunting laws changed some years ago to prohibit the use of lead shot. Lead shot was causing poisoning to water fowl, who were eating the shot that accumulated on the bottoms of ponds, etc., where hunting took place. Lead shot was replaced by steel shot, although lead shot is still used by some skeet shooters. Your best bet is to contact stores that specialize in re-loading supplies. If you can't find what you want, I have 50 pounds of lead shot mixed with sand that I recently removed from a pair of Sound Anchor speaker stands. If you want to buy my "mix", call me at (206)-732-1223 (Seattle), or send me an E-mail at SDCamp1113@cs.com. Thanks, Scott
Please don't consider this to be an expert opinion because it's not, but here goes anyway. I'd go with the lead shot due to it's higher density over sand, though some use both. Though it might be obvious, the larger the designation the smaller the shot size (number of pellets to the ounce?). Number 11 is the smallest I remember ever seeing, though something like number 9 might be easier to find. My guess would be to buy the smallest shot available as it will settle more tightly. Hopefully someone with first hand knowledge will correct me if any of that is wrong.
Target has a new product out called "heavy metal". According to Target, it's a "carbon/pearlite metal, acoustic damping filler". It's used to fill speaker and component stands. I'm not sure of the cost, but you can find it on their web site: www.targetaudioplc.co.uk
Try a wed site www.trapshooters.com. They have lists of stores with reloading supplies. I would suggest #8 or 9 shot - they are smaller and will fill all of the voides in the speaker stands. Also, try the yellow pages in your area for "gun clubs, trap ranges, skeet ranges, sporting clays" These clubs usually have lead shot for sale in 25# bags.