Inexpensive Audiophile Set-up?

Is this an oxymoron? Am I a moron ( just thought that I'd cut that one off at the pass). Here's the deal: I'd like something that sound pretty good, but I don't see myself spending more than $300 per piece in the near future. Maybe a bit more for speakers if they look really nice. I anticipate buying used stuff unless there's a compelling reason not to. So far I've purchased Adcom GFA-555 amp ($300) and PS Audio 4.6 pre-amp ($200). I think that my next purchase will be a cd player. I listen to mostly reggae,jam band recodings on cdr and radio. My current speakers are Boston Acoustics and Infinity bookshelves. One cd player within my budget is a Marantz 6000 OSE on Ebay. Thanks for your time.
Go with a Parasound CDP 1000 its the best player under 1k you can purchase.Check ebay,also audio have new b stock for 249.00
Finish with Cambridge Audio D500 CD Player and B&W 600 Series Speakers (602 Systems 2 would work nicely).
I've done a little research. Parasound is a $500 unit which is being discontinued and is available for $250. It 1st appeared in'96. The Cambridge D500 is "upgradeable." I want to call to find out exactly what that means. The D500 sells for $390 new and I see it for $300 used. As far as $, a used C.A.= the new Parasound. That's as much as I can tell w/out actually hearing one. Does someone have an insight that will tip the scales?