Buyer Beware!

Man, I'm pissed! What about sellers that post over $6000 in analog gear then they don't return any email answers for 2 days. Then you find after your 4th email the seller has deleted the item. He answered the 5th email in which I asked for an explanation with "when I checked my email this morning I had 50 emails on the _____ and I sold it to the first email which I thought was fair and deleted the listing since it was sold" This item was posted for sale at approximately 50 % of retail at around 11pm est this past Wednesday evening and I emailled immediately with a message I would pay his asking price. He didn't answer until after his deletion with his lame reply. I feel as though someone's full of sh*t. I can't leave negative feedback as there was no transaction per se. So buyers beware of first time sellers here. And check them for feedback or lack of. I've been a member of this community for about 6 months and really like buying and selling here. I also enjoy the boards. Maybe the Powers that Be here could create a new class of sellers here. Like something along the lines of a Verifed Seller or denote on posted ads that the individual is a first time seller. I apologize for blowing off steam, but I still think I've been lied to by someone who still has other gear posted here for sale.
You hit it on the head AlexC! As a manufacturer-seller and exclusively on Audiogon, I go through the same thing. Bogus e-mails,fraudulent phone calls, reneged's a shame that these few Loosers have to spoil a great site. To overcome this, the excellent members (which is the large majority) stick together and we'll be alright. Keep the lines open and communication via e-mail,a phone call, a wire.... well you get the picture. I just had an unfortunate incident, where a simple e-mail would of solved the situation. The top excuses, is that there computer crashed, leaving town sudden, a family emergency. This person had e-mailed me right after the auction, but not to confirm he was the high bidder; but to ask why he should buy this product?? Again this is right after the auction ended. I replied immediately with all the information to complete the transaction quickly and smoothly. One day passes, I e-mail a second time. Two day passes, and I e-mail him again..and nothing. A third day passes and I e-mailed again and contacted Audiogon. Audiogon contacts this person and no response. Then finally, this person responses to Audiogon saying he had to care of some business and leave town in the morning. Meantime, if you remember this is the same person that left an e-mail for me immeditely after winning the auction, not confirming the auction, but asking, Why he should buy this product after being the high bidder??? A simple e-mail saying that he was leaving town would of cleared up the situation. Audiogon, did suspend his account and deservedly so. To add to it, he was caught in a fib, because in between those dates that "he supposedly was away on an emergency business trip". He did have time to register for the sweepstakes on Audiogon for the chance to win the Chesky CDs. Amazing!! For the few that abuse there membership on Audiogon, I really feel sorry for you loosers. Whether it's reneging, or bogus e-mails with the yahoos, and hotmails. You can run, but you can't hide. Because Audiogon, knows where these e-mail addresses are originating from with the main IP address. The moral of this little story, is let's keep this site fair and honest. Communication is also key. Let's keep Audiogon #1 and our membership as a privilege. We are all lovers of this "breed apart" crazy hobby and passionate about music. We are not going to have a few idiots spoil it. For emergency purposes we should all keep Audiogon's phone number (734-477-9289)if our computer crashes or an emergency should come up. I am sorry that I vented, but I feel this site will continue to get stronger. But what keeps it going is not just the site itself, but the high integrity of it's members. -Thank you- BMI
BRAVO Mrchips....very well said. Unfortunately this is the risk we all willingly take when we choose to buy and sell on the internet.
Avguygeorge - This was a private seller, not a delaer. It seems he was a first time seller, as there is no feedback on him on Audiogon. Out of courtesy, and giving him a bit of the benefit of the doubt, I won't post his name until Monday. He was shipping from California to Ohio and, if he DID ship last Monday as promised, UPS ground would not get the pacakge here until Monday. I guess I still try to believ in the innate goodness of all...We shall see...As for me..I pay right awat (within one day of closing a deal) and ship right away. If, for some reason, I cannot get a product out the day after getting the money, I will ship via express mail at my own expense to make up for the lost time. This is how I'd like others to behave when I'm on the other I "Do unto others..etc, etc"
Alexc,When you buy something,ask for a tracking #. If you sell something,give a tracking#. Just recently,there were two chances to buy things I was interested in. Neither seller had feedback,and neither would cod.So,I didn't buy.I would rather wait for the conditions to be optimum.
Sober1, I don't think you have a legitimate grip. I recently sold some equipment on Audiogon. I priced the items for a quick sale and as a result I got a number of inquiries. As a seller, all that I am ethically required to do is to clearly state the terms of my sale and beyond that I can sell, or not sell MY equipment to anyone who wants to buy them. In a private sale, just because you are quick to reply and are willing to pay the purchase price doesn't gaurantee you anything. The Audiogon selling process is more of a lottery than it might appear. You might not think this is fair, but your suggested solutions won't eliminate what I've described.