"Krell" is a buzzword

When I look at how the posts involving Krell deteriorate to the point of civil(actually not so civil) war, I have to say that "Krell" has become a buzzword. It seems as if you just have to mention the name, and the mobilization begins. Sooner or later the insults sink to the level that make the thread completely unrecognizable from the original question. I am more neutral than not on Krell(probably not many of us around). Used to dream about them in my bigger is better solid state days, but have since moved in other directions. Now I am a definite tubeophile, and don't even think about Krell. But, I don't say you cannot build a great system around their products. Just have to apply the right surrounding components. But don't you have to do that with many brands of amp? So, do you agree that Krell has become a buzzword, and why?
Krell did come from the Forbidden Planet.... I own a Krell KSA200S and love it. I've heard a lot of other amps that sound as good but it depended on the speakers that were matched to them. Krell's have one technical specification (current non-limiting) that sets them appart from most other high quality amps. I own Thiel 3.6s and they suck the live out of many amps (almost all tube amps) with their nominal 3 ohm load. So for soom audiophiles with speakers that demand high current capability Krell is an obvious choice. Other speakers may present different challanges and different amp solutions.
Sorry to jump in. I was always wondering exact same question. I have just got Sonus Faber Signum, and someone told me that SF designer's reference amo is Krell (sorry if wrong). Do any of you have direct experience of Krell/SF combination?
Trelja...really what is the point in threads like this? You have clearly stated that you have moved on in other directions and even state that you don't even think about Krell anymore. This thread seems a bit of a contradiction as you obviously do. If you've found what you like, and it's not Krell, why would you care what others think. Even if you did own and love Krell would it make you feel insecure or uncertain in your choice if others were bashing it? Trelja, I see your name so much on Audiogon threads voicing opinions (or seeking them) that I honestly wonder when you find the time to listen!
got to say..... the amps do have balls.....i have owned quite a # of others...but none of the others will do...>>>BUT, may the good lord help you if they ever break down.the turn around time is 6 weeks....????hmmm...but when they work they do so with power and authority no other.......well for those that want amps that keep on kicking...and never break down>>>>>>try bryston
Gentlemen, as a user of Krell equipment with great success for almost ten years I can attest that Krell equipment is ruthless at revealing any weakness in your chain of equipment. It ALL starts with a good front end, whether digital or analog. If your front end isn't in the same caliber as a Krell, the Krell will reveal it's shortcomings either in brightness, tonal imbalance, etc... next is your cabling. I am always amazed at those who say there is no difference between cable. That statement may be true if you have a mediocre CD player and a Kenwood amp or even an Adcom amp for that matter. When you move up the chain of quality, you will notice difference between cabling and equipment. After the front end and cabling, the preamp is the next most important component, maybe even more than the amp, then the amp. A superb front end, cables, preamp and amp can make average speakers shine, but rarely will great speakers make average electronics shine. So here's the bottom line! Don't even think of a Krell or any other top notch amp until you have the rest of the chain close in quality. You will only be disappointed. And for those of you who think Krell is bright, my neighbor reviews for Absolute Sound and I brought my Krell FPB-600C to his dedicated listening room with tube traps, dedicated 20amp lines, perfect dimensions, etc... and we compare my amp to his Manley mono tube amps connected to his Thiel 7.2's driven by the Wadia 860 digital front end and quite frankly the Krell was equally as delicate and musical as the tubes, but with superior low end control and detail. Even my neighbor and his four friends admitted they could live with the Krell amp. By the way, if you're keeping notes, all the cabling was Transparent Reference. I recently upgraded to the Krell 650mc's and they blow away the 600.