"Krell" is a buzzword

When I look at how the posts involving Krell deteriorate to the point of civil(actually not so civil) war, I have to say that "Krell" has become a buzzword. It seems as if you just have to mention the name, and the mobilization begins. Sooner or later the insults sink to the level that make the thread completely unrecognizable from the original question. I am more neutral than not on Krell(probably not many of us around). Used to dream about them in my bigger is better solid state days, but have since moved in other directions. Now I am a definite tubeophile, and don't even think about Krell. But, I don't say you cannot build a great system around their products. Just have to apply the right surrounding components. But don't you have to do that with many brands of amp? So, do you agree that Krell has become a buzzword, and why?
And I would like that Spyder. Sometimes I think the most thrilling auditory event is opening the throttle on the Alfa at about 90mph.
i've always enjoyed the alpha style, with some exceptions, but have steered away from purchasing one (or 2 or 3) 'cuz i could never afford the retainer demanded by the always-there backseat mechanic. ;>)
hi cornfedboy,

my alfas have been no more unreliable than any other cars i've owned, which have included toyota, datsun, volvo, suzuki, to name a few. they are a lot *more* reliable than the bmw's my friend has owned over the past 15 years... ;~)


It is fair to say that there have been some reliability problems with Alfas, it all depends on how long your memory is - even in recent years, like a 164 I had where the switches needed to be cleaned or replaced every few years. But mechanically they have been marvellous from both a reliability and performance point of view for several years. Right now, with Alfa at last buying in from other parts of Europe, they are as reliable as anything out there. IMO their biggest problem has been the lack of good technical backup around the world, but even that is pretty good these days.
my 164, w/~165k miles on the clock, has prolly been the worst, maintenance-wise, but it's still not bad. and, the only non-normal-wear failures have usually been parts that have *bosch* written on 'em. the gtwe6, w/150k, has been amazingly trouble-free. so was the milano verde, sold w/145k, cuz i found another one w/only 66k...
