Fuses that matter.

I have tried six different fuses, including some that were claimed to not be directional. I have long used the IsoClean fuses as the best I have heard. No longer! I just got two 10 amp slow-blows WiFi Tuning Supreme fuses that really cost too much but do make a major difference in my sound. I still don't understand how a fuse or its direction can alter sound reproduction for the better, but they do and the Supreme is indeed! I hear more detail in the recordings giving me a more holographic image. I also hear more of the top and bottom ends. If only you could buy them for a couple of bucks each.
I suggest that everyone stop arguing about if and how. Take $20.00 out of your pocket if possible and buy one AMR fuse. If you need more than one, you will likely end up ordering them. They are cheap, and they make your system sound better. Period.
Roxy54, on one hand I agree with you-just try a fuse and see if you like it. But you are also suggesting, I think, that audiophile fuses sound the same. I reject this idea.
It's worth pointing out someone can get an improvement to the sound without spending ANY money. By reversing existing original fuses in the system one at time and deciding by ear which direction sounds better you can get quite a significant improvement. What are the odds that an original fuse was inserted correctly - about 50-50?
I was surprised when I read your post. Looking at my post again, I can't see any inference that all audiophile fuses are the same. I am sure that like any other component, like cables or interconnects, they all sound somewhat different. I haven't even tried other brands of fuses, so I wouldn't know anyway. All that I was saying was what others before me have said. It is much less of a financial risk at $20.00 than at $60.00 to $80.00.
Geoffkait, I would be surprised if any true audiophile does know this, but perhaps doesn't bother.

Roxy54m, i apparently misunderstood the second part of your post. Sorry.