Fuses that matter.

I have tried six different fuses, including some that were claimed to not be directional. I have long used the IsoClean fuses as the best I have heard. No longer! I just got two 10 amp slow-blows WiFi Tuning Supreme fuses that really cost too much but do make a major difference in my sound. I still don't understand how a fuse or its direction can alter sound reproduction for the better, but they do and the Supreme is indeed! I hear more detail in the recordings giving me a more holographic image. I also hear more of the top and bottom ends. If only you could buy them for a couple of bucks each.
Thanks for the insight, Lacee. I believe that, different though all of our systems are, some things have traits that are inherent in the design. A mini-monitor, for example, will have, of necessity, a lack of lower bass, and nothing can put that back into it. It's not wrong in any way, it just can't reproduce the "authority" of a low bass sound. Law of physics and all that.
I can't wait for the 5 amp fuses that go into the PS Audio Power Plant. Just changing that one fuse should immediately let me know if, indeed the HiFi Tuning devices denude the system of bass, which, again, i hadn't noticed, but mostly due to the several changes that happened in my system at once. Given how strongly the SR fuses (with, again, WA Quantum chips on the fuses) make the presentation come to life, I could no longer say that the Arcam DVD 27 is "hard"-sounding, although it doesn't match the Ring DAC in the '23 model, as well as the delicacy. But this isn't about components.
I will have the AMRs by the end of the week Friday, and I will be absolutely fascinated to see how the sound - and music - changes. But I could survive on the SR fuses, damn it. I mean, I sure didn't want to spend $133 just 14 months after having discovered the HiFi Supremes, but that's what I'm doing. And if the AMRs are even better, well, this will once again be a hobby that doesn't require deep pockets to get significant improvements! And for that alone, I will be grateful!
Gbmcleod, I should have added that the Synergistic Research Quantums with the WA Quantum fuse Chip is still the best.
My AMR fuses just arrived.
As a matter of keeping it a controlled experiment, I changed ONLY the fuse in the PS Audio Power Plant 300 (which,for the past year, has had a 5 amp, slow-blow, HiFi Tuning gold fuse in it). I wanted to hear only the change in the the preamp and CD player, which are both hooked into it (the Power Plant).
Quite a revelation for a cold fuse: I played the Katchaturian ballet (the full ballet on RCA Red Seal) and in the opening number, the cymbal crash, which splintered every time it played, held together from initial transient thru to decay. The placement of instruments - and, as mentioned by someone else - their "body" (physical density) is considerably improved so that, while I cannot see the trumpets "side by side" as I have other systems in the past, I can hear the harmonics of several separate ones in the section, so there is more separation and individuation of instruments. And not merely instruments within one group: instruments with different tonalities and timbres (flute, piccolo, oboe, violins, triangles) playing all at the same time, exhibit their individual tonalities, so the music makes more sense, as you can hear more of the composition instead of a mildly blurred - no, make that homogenous - chorus of sound. It's quite involving.
I have one WA Quantum fuse chip left, which I will put on the AMR, but not for until Saturday, after I've had some time to listen to different CDS and types of music.
That said, the AMR made the HiFi gold 5 amp fuse that has been in the Power Plant for the last year sound confused, jangly and even "lean." It was very interesting to hear the placement of instruments, as well as the air gently expanding around them, which, it would seem to me, indicates a coherence from midbass thru, at the very least, the lower treble. (My Hurricanes are not the most extended amps at the frequency extremes, but when I put in the 10 amp fuses I bought - which will replace the Synergistic Research SR 20s - it should be a VERY interesting experiment!