Best Car Stereo

Does anybody listen to music in their car? I am thinking about treating myself to an old 911 or something and thought it might be fun to put some tunes in it. Does anybody keep up with this subject, from an audiophile's perspective? I keep seeing ads for McIntosh but don't know if it's any good. Thank you.
I am in the procees of putting together a new system for my car. Some of the best headunits out are by Eclipse(fujitsu ten). I will be using a pair of Rockford Fosgate amps, somehow they are in with Hafler. Other good brands are PPI(Precision Power Inc), Zapco, Arc Audio, Soundstream,and a/d/s. For mids and tweets I'm using a/d/s. If you want to spend big bucks you can get components from Dynaudio and Focal. Other great component sets are available from Crystal Mobilesound, CDT, Diamond, JL Audio, and Boston Acoustics. For subwoofers with incredible sound quality and high output capabity it seems that Crystal Mobilesound or Audiomobile are the way to go. For car audio forums you can check out the following sites:,,, and Brent
Check out They specialize in exactly what you are looking for. There is also a lot to be gained by researching and in terms of industry news, trends,classifieds and opinions. There seems to be two different camps for car stereo gear, the gear made for headbanging teenagers (this is where the money is) and the camp for sound quality guys. Hey this sounds familiar !!!! You can even buy tube amps for your car. (Milbert amps) P.s. Mcintosh does indeed make very good car stereo gear but it is pricey (surprised ?). Good luck and enjoy!
buy an alfa, & yule be happy w/the music eminating from the engine bay... ;~)

regards, doug

I have also heard good things about MB Quart speaker components. Also, don't know if you can get them "post-factory", but Mark Levinson (the company) has started putting together systems for Lexus. Maybe you can buy a Lexus, take the stereo, and then resell the Lexus with another "after market" stereo.
I'd have to agree with the MB Quart Speakers, they have a package specifically for the 911...matched up with Mcintosh power amps...sweet.