Do the Audio gods shine upon you?

Has anyone else had this experience or am I just nuts? You sit down for a quiet evening of Hi Fi listening and after some warmup time you suddenly realize that your system sounds dramatically better than it did the night before. I am talking about those little things like more resolution, low level detail. You know, those things that turn audiophiles on. I am almost afraid to turn my system on again for fear that the "audio gods" have abandoned me.
Robba, when you the exact position you can know nothing about the the momentun, that does not change the momentun. Furthermore he was not speaking metaphoricly, but rather using an analogy.
Invest in a PS Audio Power Plant and your system will always sound the same! Once you hear the effects on one in your system, you'll never go back!
Cite your references Larry. Especially the African and South American native data. And don't change the subject. TTS and effect of aging on hearing are not the same thing. BTW, attacking me personally detracts from the debate at hand and obscures your good points otherwise. Argue your point and defend your ideas vigorously and we'll all learn. Retreating to the personal attack is the weakest possible defense of a concept. Regarding the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, it certainly asserts that the exact position and momentum of hadrons cannot be determined but why? Because the observation of the event affects the outcome of the determination. It's that simple. Thus my use of the term is indeed analogous. But the metaphor is not lost on me.
I see the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle segueing into the AEP ( Audiophile Egocentricity Principle). Boy, I hope this comes out in small letters.