Are you Guys Rich or What!?

I have an old system, nothing special, Adcom, Vandersteens etc and I recently set foot for the first time in a "high end" shop, hoping to get to the next level of audio nirvana. When I saw some of the prices for monoblock amplifiers, cables, the latest speakers etc, I practically fell off my chair when I realized that I could blow $50-100K pretty easily on this stuff. I am not rich. Do you big budget system guys all work on Wall Street or something or do you eat macaroni and cheese most nights to put a few bucks away for CDs and your next upgrade?
Hey, Axomoxa! Is that "Steal your face" or Steal your inter-face" ? Anyway, I'm GDTRFB!
Right on Ramstl! Just tryin' to spread the good hippie word :-) Think of all those concerts you could see for 100K! Not to mention it would buy a whole lotta microbusses to get your friends to the show. "We use to play for silver, now we play(ed) for live...!" Shit for 100K I could book the damm band to play in my living room! I bet if I called Phil Lesh and offered to donate 100K to the Unbroken Chain foundation, he would get his friends and come over and play at my house. Shoot.. for 100K I might even get Neil Young to sit in with him. But that would only be one night and I suppose if you have your own system for 100K you can experience it every night. Now that I think about it, I could be closer to the Dark Side than I originally thought!
If I had a $100K system at home today, I'd spend my time brooding about why I wasn't yet able to afford the $1M Grand Enigma speaker system. I'd be miserable that there was something better out there than what I currently had. I'd be angry at my wife for not letting me spend the money.

Other aspects of the question:

Which are you most likely to spend $100K on first - a car or an audio system?

If the notion of a $100K audio system seems excessive, does having five $20K systems seem more excessive, less excessive or equally excessive? (main room, living room, bedroom, office and vacation home).

If you had $100K you were willing to spend on either an audio system or going to see concerts, what is the likelihood you'd actually have time to go to that many concerts? I don't have the $100K for either and I'm already out of time to go to anywhere near enough concerts to burn up $100K any time soon.

Just wonderin'

Good food for thought kthomas. If I had the time AND the money my choice would be easy.
Honey, can you get the maid - I need a grape. Ah, that's the life, rich and sassy. NO! I'm far from rich, just an addict. I traded in the drugs of the '60s for musical nervana. I drive a ten year old car with 180,000 and it runs great. My clients although they spend $2-4 million dollars on there houses I design don't care what I drive, and my friends don't care either. I once tried to play rich, but after a major heart attack and two years of no income, food shelves and the humility I do what I want to do. I had a $45,000 car, was I rich? I had a nice house, was I rich? No, but others thought I was. Now I'm rich in my soul, live very simple and love my music. It's all about priorities, mine are far different than most peoples, but at least I have a common bond here at Audiogon.